Swedish Massage

The basis of massage therapy where muscles and connective tissue are manipulated using various techniques such as effleurage, petrissage, rhythmic mobilization, and myofascial release. Benefits of treatment include enhanced functionality, assisting healing processes, decreasing muscle tension, increasing local circulation and promoting relaxation.


Myofascial Release

Fascia is a continuous sheet or band of connective tissue that surrounds structures of the body both separating and binding structures together. Fascia can become cold, sluggish and stiff losing the ability to stretch, soften and flex. Myofascial release focuses on the connective tissue matrix and can make tissue more pliable restoring movement and function.



Neuromuscular Integration and Structural Alignment works deeply with fascia and muscles to release postural patterns and stress and promotes balance within the body. When tight muscles cannot function, posture becomes compromised impacting internal organs. NISA releases restrictions for a longer lasting result that realigns the body and balances one physically, emotionally and energetially.


Manual Lymph Drainage

Lymph drainage is a type of massage that helps the lymphatic system move fluid from the tissue back into the circulatory system.  The circulatory system brings nutrients and oxygen to tissues and organs and the lymphatic system cleans up moving excess fluid and cellular waste away. The pressure of a lymph drainage massage is very light because the lymphatic system is just below the skin.  Very gentle and repetitive strokes are used to pump the lymph vessels. Lymphatic drainage can be helpful after surgery or injuries, addressing tendinitis, sinusitis, digestive issues, whiplash and migraines.  Lymph drainage can reduce the swelling in turn reducing pain caused by the pressure of swelling. 



Reflexology uses direct pressure on the foot stimulating the 7000 nerve endings. Specific points on the feet and hands correspond with organs and different systems within the body. Reflexology can help relieve stress, promote relaxation and bring the body back to a state of balance.


Thai massage

Thai massage can be considered to be a passive yoga as the therapist applies pressure and moves the patient into various stretches to stimulate energy along the Sen lines.  The patient remains fully clothed during this treatment so it's a good idea to be dressed in stretchy active wear.


CranioSacral Therapy

The craniosacral system protects the central nervous system (CNS) and provides an environment for the brain and spinal cord to function. Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle technique focusing on the head, spine and sacrum that releases deep tension and allows the entire body to relax and self-correct. By improving the environment of the CNS, pain and stress can decrease, immunity can be strengthened, and whole body health can be enhanced. The following specific dysfunctions can be addressed: migraines/headaches, chronic neck/back pain, motor/coordination impairments, brain & spinal cord disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, TMJ syndrome, and post-traumatic stress disorder.